Developer Documentation



Welcome to the official Tailrender API documentation. Tailrender is an API service for creating images and PDFs from HTML / TailwindCSS.

The founding of Tailrender came out of a need to convert HTML / TailwindCSS into a PDF for a resume-builder app I was working on. I realized how useful this API could be for other developers, and so I'm making it available. I hope you enjoy using it and I'm looking forward to hearing about how we can make it better.

Eamon, Founder

Support / feedback / issues

Please reach out to support if you have any questions, feedback, or issues. We're always looking for ways to improve the service and if you have any suggestions, please let us know.

Use Cases

The use cases listed below are the most common use cases for rendering HTML / TailwindCSS into rich media, however you may choose to interact with the API in a completely different way.

  • Dynamic image & document generation with templates
  • Scaling the generation of marketing material
  • Rich document generation, i.e. PDFs
  • Rapid application development (e.g. invoice applications, resume builders, receipt builders, etc.)

TailwindCSS Config

The Tailrender API allows you to pass a custom Tailwind Config object to the API. This allows you to customize the way TailwindCSS is used to generate your images and documents. Using custom TailwindCSS plugins is not supported by the API at this time, though we do support the official TailwindCSS plugins like @tailwindcss/typography, @tailwindcss/forms, @tailwindcss/line-clamp, and @tailwindcss/aspect-ratio.

If there is a custom plugin that you'd like to see added to the API, please contact us and we'll do our best to accommodate it.

Response times

Requests typically take about a second to complete on average for both PDFs and images. If your request HTML contains external media to load, response times may vary accordingly. At peak times, requests may take up to 2 seconds to complete and in rare cases a bit longer. Render times are logged by the API and are available for view on the usage page.


The API currently supports all Google Fonts. Apply fonts as you would normally in your TailwindCSS Config, as CSS, or directly in your HTML.